1. Sign in
2. Click to go to your gym, e.g. Fort Dunlop and scroll to classes. You can also see your "home" gym at the top of the page and click that link.
3. Select the date of the class you want to book
4. Click on the class you want to book
5. Click the “book” button You will receive an email confirming the booking.
How do I sign up to book classes online?
1. Go to the website and click “Sign up”.
2. Enter details. Phone is optional but can mean we can contact you if there are any issues. Please use the email address you joined with. If you don't know your PIN, you can click the "Request PIN" link and we'll send it to your email account straight away.
3. Create password. - make sure this is easy to remember for you.
4. We will email you a link to confirm. You should click this link. It may go to your SPAM or JUNK folder so please check there if you can't see it
5. You can then sign in with your email and the password you created in step 3.